Keynote Speakers


Head of EMBL Grenoble

Kristina earned a PhD from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and pursued postdoctoral research at the University of Pavia and EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. In 1999, she became Head of the Structural Biology Laboratory at Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy. By 2004, she was a Full Professor of molecular structural biology at the University of Vienna. In 2009, she was appointed Chair of the Department of Structural and Computational Biology at the Max Perutz Lab. Since July 2022, she has led EMBL Grenoble.
Professional website:

Head of Business Development at ESRF

Ed Mitchell, since initial training at Oxford in molecular biophysics, has spent over 25 years at The European Synchrotron on various projects, including macromolecular crystallography beamline scientist, project lead for the preparation of the €250M ESRF Upgrade Programme and general manager for the international Partnership for Structural Biology. He is now charged with the Business Development Office, which has the mission to open the ESRF’s door to industry via services and tech transfer, and collaboration via European and national programmes. Beyond industry relations, Ed is joint coordinator of the Horizon Europe SUNSTONE project, continuing Europe’s long-time support to the Middle Eastern “SESAME” synchrotron and is a member of the African Light Source Foundation Executive Committee, which is working actively for a light source to be built in Africa.
Professional website:,


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