Steering Committee

CTLS President

Head of the National Centre for Cellular Imaging and the SciLifeLab Integrated Microscopy Unit at the University of Gothenburg; Vice-chair of the Panels of Node for the Euro-BioImaging-ERIC consortium and President of the Core Technologies for Life Sciences Association. She has a background in Cell and Molecular Biology and has more than 22 years of experience in organization, implementation and management of research infrastructures and training activities at the National and International level. She is member of seven national and international scientific advisory boards and expert review panels. Furthermore, she has supervised core internship and ERASMUS students in bioimaging, promoting future career possibilities and introducing core facility work as a possible career direction.

CEITEC Secretary
for Research Infrastructure

Katerina is the representative of CEITEC Masaryk University, where she holds the Secretary for Research Infrastructure position. She has 10 years of experience in the management of Core Facilities in life sciences. She is involved in the EU Life and the Alliance4Life, where she is an active member in working groups for Core Facilities. Thanks to involvement in both alliances (one for EU-15 and the other for EU-13) she is sharing experiences with the vision to help close the gap between East and West.




CEITEC Core Facility Head

Josef is a head of Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography Core Facility (CF BIC) at CEITEC Masaryk University. He is also a secretary of Association of Resources for Biophysical Research in Europe (ARBRE), stimulating the collaboration and know-how exchange among facilities on an international level.

MUNI Research
Infrastructure Manager

Ondřej is research infrastructures manager at the rectorate of Masaryk University. He has passion for research infrastructures and core facilities that he likes to share with people from far and wide. This can be documented by his involvement in many activities on the Czech and European levels such as being part of Czech ESFRI delegation, member of ESFRI Implementation Group or leading the research infrastructures activities of EDUC, one of the European University alliances.

CTLS Treasurer

Lola is currently the head of the flow cytometry core at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) in Madrid. She is a chemist by training and has been working in flow cytometry core facilities and cancer for the past 20 years. She has been in the Board of Directors of the Iberian Cytometry Society until last year. She is also involved with different tasks forces inside the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC) and she has been involved with Core Technologies for Life Sciences Association since its inception. She is currently the Treasurer of CTLS.

CEITEC Deputy Director
for Research Infrastructure

Jiří is Deputy Director for Research Infrastructure at CEITEC Masaryk University, where he is also leading the Cryo-electron Microscopy and Tomography Core Facility. Since 2024, he has been the Chair of Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology (CIISB, Instruct-CZ Node) and principal investigator of follow-up projects. He is a representative of the Czech Republic in the Instruct-ERIC Council and Executive Committee.

CTLS Vice President

Ralph is the founding head of the Optical Imaging Competence Centre Erlangen (OICE) at Friedrich-Alexander Uni­versi­ty Erlangen-Nürnberg. Ralph is a founding member of CTLS and currently Vice President of the association. In addition he is a founding member of German Bioimaging and also the Speaker of German BioImagings Advisory Board. Further activities are with the Royal Microscopical Society, where he became fellow in 2016 and BioImaging UK. Further he is active within Global BioImaging and in particular African BioImaging (ABI) and South African BioImaging (SABI).


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